However, I was ready to kill him the day after he moved in… His first night here he managed to break a window out of the shed, ruin a door and pee several times in the house, which in turn made Styx pee in the house. Oh and got of his collar and was waiting for Josh by the door in the morning…
Jake was my cousin Amy’s dog. It was love at first sight for Josh! Every time we went over to their house he was sure to tell them whenever they wanted to get rid of Jake he would take them… and what do you know a few months later he was moving in!
He defiantly does a lot better outside than in! Today we bought him a new toy from Petco… but he doesn’t like it much… I’m hoping tomorrow wont be too cold so that I can take him for a walk before I have to go to work! He’ll probably end up taking me for a walk though… I mean he almost knocked me over today when I was trying to get in my car! So lets hope for the best and pray he doesn’t drag me across town!