I know he isn’t going to be there for me financially and I’ve come to except that. However, I do want a father and a grandfather for my children that I may or may not someday have. As many people know, I’ve gone just about my whole life with only one parent and it’s a hard thing for a child to understand and be okay with. I’ve had step-mom’s but the first one was like Cinderella’s step-mom and the second well she’s just well, she’s Shirley.

Me and my day and my cousin Amy's wedding.
What I would really like is for just once my dad to call and invite me and my brother and possibly Josh, but even just me and my brother would be a good start, out to the house, or to dinner or something, anything. Now I have my extended family and my brother and they will always be there for me, but we all want what we can’t have, and in my case that’s a father. Someone I could count on when things went south or even just for a hug.
I’m sick of people giving me dirty looks and saying rude things when they find out that I hardly ever talk to my dad. They don’t know me and my life and what it’s like. Granit I have stopped trying. I give up. I’m tired of feeling like a pain in the ass. I tired of hearing the sighs and annoyment in the voices when I call. The only time I see my father is when I have to write him a check for the bills that are still in his name. And as soon as I get everything in my name and my school loan bills quit coming, I’m sure I’ll see/talk to him once or twice a year if that. It’s sad to say and I hate to say it but it’s true.

A long time ago.
Every year for his birthday I call him and take him and Shirley out to dinner. I mean you only get one birthday a year and I feel like you should celebrate it. Now when mine or my brother’s birthday comes along… we don’t get so much as a phone call. Every Christmas I ask if we are going to get together. Not because I want gifts, but because I want to spend time with my family and maybe share a nice meal. I could careless about all the gifts. This year, it’s not happening. I’m not going to call and try to make plans. I tired of them acting like we will do something as a family and then all of a sudden they are too busy, too tired or any other excuse they can think of why they can’t spend and hour or two with us.
Well now that I got that off my chest I feel a little better… Anyone got a drink?
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