Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I will not throw the cat out the window
Or put a frog in my sister's bed
I will not tie my brother's shoelaces together
Nor jump from the roof of Dad's shed
I shall remember my aunt's next birthday
And tidy my room once a week
I'll not moan at Mum's cooking (Ugh! fish fingers again!)
Nor give her any more of my cheek.
I will not pick my nose if I can help it
I shall fold up my clothes, comb my hair,
I will say please and thank you (even when I don't mean it)
And never spit or shout or even swear.
I shall write each day in my diary
Try my hardest to be helpful at school
I shall help old ladies cross roads (even if they don't want to)
And when others are rude I'll stay cool.
I'll go to bed with the owls and be up with the larks
And close every door behind me
I shall squeeze from the bottom of every toothpaste tube
And stay where trouble can't find me.
I shall start again, turn over a new leaf,
leave my bad old ways forever
shall I start them this year, or next year
shall I sometime, or .....?
Robert Fisher
As the new year approaches us many will be thinking of a new years resolution. Mine this year as it has been many years is to get back in shape. Not that I was ever "in" shape. I chose this new years resolution once again since our big day is coming up. I want to feel fit and look my best. Also with summer coming in few months it's always nice to feel more confident in your swimming suit. I am going to start off with counting my calories and add in some exercise a little at a time. I don't want to jump in full force or I'm afraid that I wont stick with it. I want to do the P90X again. It is such a hard work out, but I know it works so if I can stick with it then I would be super excited! Josh is supposed to be doing this with me, but we will see how that works out. He usually says he'll diet with me and then never really does.
A way that I am going to try to watch my calories is to cook low calorie dinners. There are lots of recipes on Sparks People.
Hopefully we are able to stick with it and meet our goals. We both have a number of pounds in mind that we would like to lose. Now all we have to do is get started and stay motivated!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Baby Emma!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Baby it's Cold Outside!
Although it is cold I am hoping for some snow! I would love for there to be a white Christmas this year. It seems like it has been so long since there has actually been a good snow on the ground at Christmas time.
And speaking of Christmas I really need to get out there and start Christmas shopping. We have only bought one gift so far and it seems like our list keeps growing and growing.
I'd also like to build a snowman. I know it sounds childish, but it's fun... Hopefully I can find someone to build one with me!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Plans are coming right along...
I have also found some photographers that I am pretty impressed with. I don't know how I will decide... I'm thinking I may have to meet with each of them and then make a decision. The first one is Sarah Jane Photography at http://www.sjanephotography.com/ and the other is Amber Dickey at http://www.fortressphotography.net/. Both take good pictures and have reasonable prices. So if you want to check them out and give me your opinions that would be great!
Oh! And I have a pretty good idea on the hall that we will use. They have a really good price, it comes with a bartender and they clean up for you the next day! Sounds great to me! But the lady said the hall usually has special deals at the Bridal Show in Jan. and I plan to go to that anyway so I will just wait to book it and all that until next month.
Oh and if you find a mistake in my blog... I has retard hands while trying to type today... I mean I'm just saying.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Busy and Exciting Week!
Sunday Nov. 22 was Josh and my four year anniversary. We worked around the house most of the day and then went out to red lobster for dinner. After dinner we came home and watched a little TV. It was starting to get late so we got ready for bed. Just before going to sleep Josh asked me to marry him! I was so excited! I've wanted this for a long time now. I'm sure he was sick of all my nagging too. We plan to tie the knot on January 1. 2011.
Here's how he asked me:
He gave me 3 hints. For everyone that doesn't know I asked him for hints all the time. We had talked about marriage for a while and I was ready to bring it to life.
Hint 1 was it will be sooner than you think.
Hint 2 was that he had already bought me a surprise. (the ring)
Hint 3 he pulled out the ring and asked me to marry him!
Tuesday Nov. 24 I had Thanksgiving at work. The food was really good. We had a fried turkey and it was by far the best turkey I have ever had.
Wednesday Nov. 25 Josh got to bring home the cop dog! She is very sweet but not as good behaved as I expected.
Thursday Nov. 26 We had a great Thanksgiving... We got to sleep in, then we went to Josh's mom's for a few hours. Then we headed up to my step family's. We didn't eat there just visited. After we left there we went to our friend's house and played games. It was very interesting and a lot of fun.
Friday Nov. 27 I worked my first Black Friday. I was really nerves and thought it was going to be crazy busy. It was really busy but not that bad. The day past fast and I was ready for a nap by the time it was all over, but what else is new. Friday night we went to dinner with Amy and Shawn and then hung out at our new house for a while. It was nice to be able to hang out at our place for a while.
Saturday Nov. 28 We are almost all unpacked, but still have a bunch of stuff to go through out in the garage. It sure does feel good to get everything put away!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Busy Busy Bees
As of this weekend we are finally all moved into our new house. We still have a lot of unpacking to do, but we did get a lot done this weekend. Sometimes it's hard to get everything done because there are so many other things going on this time of the year. We both had the entire weekend off so we planned to get a lot done. However, in between was my little cousins birthday party. She turned four. And our four year anniversary! I can't believe we have been together that long! ☺
Josh is already doing a good job keeping up on the house. He cleaned out the gutters! Glad it was him and not me!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Boot Camp
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Getting Started on My 5 Year Plan
As the end of the year is starting to roll around, my five year plan is starting to fall into place…
We have found a house and are waiting for everything to go through. If all goes well we will be closing on October 30. It’s pretty exciting! Josh and I can’t wait to have a place of our own. The house is a little smaller than where we are now, but it is just fine for a first home. ☺
Now if just one more thing would happen my five year plan would be even further! Hint Hint Everyone who knows me well knows that I’ve already got big plans storming around in my head and I need to get started on them! (Love you Josh!)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
ugh... mornings
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Happy Reading
The Hunt is On!
1. We’ve been throwing away our money on rent for years now.
2. We’ve been together for a while now and don’t plan to split.
3. The tax break that is going on now.
4. The right priced house would be just as much as we pay in rent each month.
5. It’s always nice to call something your own.
So far we have looked at 2 houses in Russellville, 3 in Ashland and tomorrow we are going to look at some in Jeff. Hopefully soon we will find the right home for us. We don’t want to rush into anything though and find something that we may like better later. I’m more than positive that we are making the right decision.
Dinner Date
Monday, August 10, 2009
Vegas Baby!
It was a drawing for our summer bowling league. Every one's name was put in and mine was drawn! I'm really excited to go! And one of my favorite parts of the night was when Josh said "Is the trip for two?"
I'm not sure when we will be going, I get the paper work in a few days and I will find out from there.
I can't wait!!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
A Weekend Gone Wrong
Friday I sat at home with nothing to do. I was waiting for my cousin to call me so I never even tried to make plans; little did I know that she would text me a little after nine and say she was going to bed. -- First day off work at the mall wasted.
Saturday wasn't too bad. I cleaned out my car and then met my cousin to go up to Boone County Fair to watch some girls from her work sing in the talent show. They did a pretty good job, but didn't win anything. Then we went back to her house to check on the guys (who were roofing, this is where Josh was through all this) all weekend and then we ordered pizza. Not good for my diet.
Sunday I was going to go to a family reunion that my dad said started at 11. Well when we got there no one was there except for my Aunt and her boyfriend. They were just setting things up and said it didn't start to 1. Well at the point I was thinking I could stick around since I didn't have to work until 3. Well people didn't start showing up until 2 and my grandma said they weren't eating until 4. So at 2:30 I decided I better go and grab something to eat and go to work. Then after work I went home and waited for Josh to come home from roofing.
It was such a bad weekend. I didn't really do anything that I wanted. I felt like I had all this free time, but nothing to do. I really need to make some new friends that want to hang out and not ditch me at the last minute. I feel like that happens to me all the time and it's really starting to get old! So pretty soon I'm going to have to put out an ad for a new friend. Maybe even have my own show like Paris Hilton. haha just kidding about that part.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Early Day Off
First I took Josh lunch. I took him Taco Bell. Not the most healthy thing, but that's what he wanted.
Next I went home and ate my lunch (Taco Bell), well part of my lunch... my Mexican pizza didn't taste that great.
Then I cranked up the radio and started cleaning! I got a lot done, but could have done a lot more. I really hate cleaning, so it really helps when I'm in the mood to do it. Maybe later this week I will get more done. Or maybe if we invited people over sometimes then I would have to clean...
After cleaning, I worked out. I have been doing the P90X again. I haven't been doing that great with my exercising, but I'm hoping that I stick with it and am able to meet my goal. I've been trying to eat less too. I've been eating the same kinds of foods, just less of them.
After working out, I made dinner. It was pretty good. I made these rib things and potatoes.
All in all I'm pretty satisfied with my day.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
One of the most recent things going on is that my Grandma had a stroke. It happened a week ago and she has made little progress since, but our family's hopes are still strong.
My Grandma is 90 years old. We just recently had her birthday party which turned out wonderful. She was able to see her friends and family that she had not seen in some time now. she just told me a few weeks ago that 90 hasn't been good to her. She felt like ever since she turned 90 that she was going down hill. Now lets remember that for her age she got around good, remembered and communicated well. Now after her stroke she is unable to use her right side and is unable to speak. Eating and drinking have become a challenge.
We are sure that she knows who we are. She will hold your had and look at you. It's tough talking to her since she is unable to respond but it is good for her and may help her progress if we talk to her as though we would anyone else. We do know that she understands when we speak to her, because she was able to do some simple things like open her mouth, push on a hand and stick out her tongue when the doctor asked.
She is being a trooper and I can't even begin to imagine how she feels. Our family and friends have been hoping and praying for the best for her.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Getting Back to It
I started back up on the P90X. It kicked my butt! I was sweating like a pig, but I guess that’s a good thing. Starting tomorrow I am going to try to get up in the mornings before work to do my workout. It’s better for you to workout in the morning but it’s so hard to get out of bed. I am not a morning person at all. But with it being summer I am going to have to try to work out in the mornings since there is so much going on in the evenings. Let’s just see if I can stick to the workout this time. I’m going to try hard. I used to be so confidant and now I look at myself and I’m embarrassed because I feel like I could do better. I’m just so lazy and I need to stop that.
Hope Things Get Better

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
Saturday was Mat and Malinda’s wedding! It was a very nice ceremony and the reception was a lot of fun! And Guess what??? I caught the Bouquet! And we all know what that means… So would someone please go talk to Josh!? Haha just kidding it wouldn’t do any good anyway.
Sunday was my grandma’s 90th birthday party. It turned out really nice! There was so much cake but believe it or not we hardly had any left. She received 54 cards just from the party and that’s not counting the additional 20 and some she received in the mail! I was so glad that she had such a nice time! We were also able to get a lot of pictures for her!
This next weekend it going to be a busy one too!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Ready for the Weekend!
This weekend sure is going to be a busy one. I think tonight we might go hang out with my cousin and her husband. Saturday my friend is getting married! That’s pretty exciting and then Sunday is my grandma’s birthday party. She will be 90 on Monday! So that is pretty exciting too!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Pink Thunder
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Don't Cry Over Spilled Nail Polish
Last weekend I was painting my fingernails when Styx decided he wanted to come inside. So I finished painting my left and went and let him in. I sat back down on the couch and picked up my nail polish only to drop it and have it splatter all over the carpet!
I freaked! I called Josh and he told me to try some resolve… ok… didn’t work…
Then he told me to try the carpet shampooer… ok… didn’t work…
By this time I had to be at my part time job in ten minutes. This meant I had to let the nail polish sit for 4 hours while I went to work. The entire time at work I was flipping out about this nail polish and was trying to think of a way to tell my grandma and pray that she not get mad.
Josh got off work about an hour before me and tried to get it up.
First shaving cream… didn’t work…
He continued to look online for ways to get the nail polish out of the carpet.
I called him when I got off work and he told me to go get some non acetone nail polish remover. I did and when I got home from the store I poured it on the carpet and the nail polish came out with in a few min of blotching it!
Whew the day was saved and Grandma never has to know!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
8 Things
Here are the instructions for 8 Things:
* Mention the person that tagged you
* Complete the list of 8 things
* Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends
* Go tell them you tagged them
8 things I am looking forward to:
My 21st birthday BBQ
Going on a Float this summer
Army Wives to start again in June
My friends wedding in a few weeks
Going swimming this summer
The blackberry storm to come to AT&T
The weather to stay nice to put the top down on my convertible
Taking a trip next summer with my tax return money (hope this happens)
8 things I did yesterday:
Ate tacos
Took a nap
Played with Styx
Went to Hyvee
Rented a Movie
8 things I wish i could do
keep my house clean
Take a vacation
Have lasik eye surgery
Not worry so much
A back flip
Loose wight
Beat my Simpsons game
Decorate my whole house
8 Shows I watch
Army Wives
Family Guy
King of Queens
The Secret Life of an American Teenager
Still Standing
I want to tag....any one who wants to do this...be sure to tell me if you do it....
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things
I was just reading JC’s Favorite Things and decided to write a little blog about some of my favorite things…
~Macaroni and cheese with apple sauce on top- I’ve ate this ever since I was little at the babysitters.
~Army Wives- This show is so good and I can’t miss it when it’s on TV
~Bandannas- My Favorite restaurant! I always order the beef plate with fries and corn on the cob!
~My blackberry
~Neutrogena products- I use several of these products
I may be adding to this as I think of things that I are my Fav's!
Short Day
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Our Trip

Friday we arrived in downtown St. Louis around 3:30. After checking into our hotel room we walked down by the arch and down by the landing. We stopped at Big Daddy’s Bar for a few drinks. (mine water- dang it) Then went back to the hotel to get dressed to go out to Dave and Busters for dinner and to play in the arcade. We were at Dave and Busters from about 6 to 12!!! That’s a long time but we sure had fun!

Saturday we went to Budweiser and went on the tour. On the way in we got to take our picture with a Clydesdale which was pretty cool even though I’m afraid of horses. When we left the brewery it was starting to rain so we decided to go to the mall since it was indoors. Saturday night we went out to dinner at Houlihan's for Amy’s birthday. It was really good food even though our waitress was a B. After dinner we went to Wal-Mart to get the Battle of the Sexes and played that at the hotel while we had a few drinks. It was a lot of fun even though the boys won!

Sunday we got dressed to head back to town. We stopped and White Castle for lunch. Then we went by Bass Pro to look around and finally got my Krispy Kreme! They were even better than I expected!
All and all it was a great time!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What a Night
Now I have to get ready to pack for my trip! I'm such a bad packer because I don't ever know what I'm going to want to wear... I'm so indecisive. So packing will probably take me a while... lol go figure... Oh and I usually pack a lot more than what is necessary.
But the good news is half a day of work and I'm off! Woo Hoo!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I'm Ready!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Blackberry Updating
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Its almost here!
Tonight we reserved our hotel rooms! That was pretty exciting because we got them super cheap and it’s a really nice hotel. It’s called the Crowne Plaza. It’s in downtown St. Louis and I’m so excited! I’m hoping that our rooms are way up high so that I can see out the window over the city! Wouldn’t that just be awesome! The trip is in a little over a week and I just can’t wait!
Tonight Amy and I went to try to find a few new outfits to wear while we were up there but of course we didn’t find a thing. I think that maybe we’ll go to Columbia one day next week after we get off work to try and find something. There are so many more stores up there than there are here in Jeff. It seems like we can’t ever find anything around town and you can always find something in Columbia. Although as many of you know I have a ton of clothes and I’m sure I could find something to wear if I tried, but what girl doesn’t want a new outfit! Especially me! I love shopping and getting new things. Nothing else I’m sure we could look for an outfit while we are in St. Louis to wear out at night…
Big Brothers Blog
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
It's Happened Again!
And recently it has happened again. You see I have these two friends. These particular friends have recently had a falling out. Although these two friends were no longer speaking to each other I was trying to remain friends with the both of them; however, one of the friends has pretty much stopped talking to me now too.
I have lost too many friends in the past to let this bother me. I have a few good friends that are there no matter what and that’s all that I really need. I know the ones that are there for me will be there to the end.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lasagna Bomb
When I got home I got started right away! I browned the sausage and cooked the noodles and I mixed together all the other ingredients. Not paying attention to what should be mixed with what… after I had it all mixed together I realized that some of the ingredients were supposed to be mixed with the meat and the others were supposed to make a cheese mixture… I thought to myself. Oh well it’s to late now. I’ll just mix the meat in here too. Once I had it all mixed up I put the lasagna in the baking pan in the proper layers… well new layers. Now I bet your thinking that tasted like shit! Well you’re wrong! It tasted great!
We all sat down to eat and were enjoying our meal.
Matt got up to go get some parmesan cheese to put on top of his lasagna…
Next thing you know…KABOOM!
Josh and I rushed into the kitchen…
The lasagna exploded!
No I didn’t make a lasagna Bomb…
I had left the burner on from boiling the noodles and when I took the lasagna out of the over I placed it on that same burner… when Matt went into the kitchen he noticed the burner was on and turned it off and proceeded to removed the baking pan from the burner… well that’s when it happened. The glass baking pan shattered and pieces of glass flew everywhere! Needless to say no one got seconds :(
And it sure was a big mess to clean up!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Friends Birthday
Monday, March 23, 2009

Yesterday during the day Josh and I went up to his mom’s to visit her for a little while and then last night we went cosmic bowling! It was a lot of fun! There were about nine of us there. I’m not the best bowler but I always have fun anyway. All weekend we were looking for something to do and what do you know the night before I have to get up early to go back to work we get something fun to do. It defiantly made for a fun Sunday night.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Over the River and Through the Woods to Work I Go
Not only did I save on gas, but I also helped the environment and got a little exercise! So Jill’s going GREEN! Haha Just in time for St. Pats day!
I really think that I might start walking to work more often! It was so nice and I felt great about myself after I got to work.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wii Age
Last night was Matt’s (my brother) first night on the wii fit. His age came out to be 47! Now this was hilarious since he is 24! He did manage to do a bit better tonight though. His wii age was only 30! Still a little high for him but good enough!
Not Really Her Birthday
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Feeling Good!
I’ve been trying to tan at least every other day but it hasn’t quite worked out that well… Although I must say I am getting a nice tan. It started out nice because I would come home from work, fix and eat dinner then go tanning while I waited for my hour to pass so I could work out…. Well then something happened and I have been working out… What happened you ask? I got lazy and it messed up my whole schedule!
But tonight I am going to work out! Not for those crazy people at work on my Shape Up Missouri team though… For myself.
I just really want to get in shape and I was doing such a nice job for well only two weeks… but hey that was a start until I stopped for about the last two weeks… I really need to kick it into high gear in I want to have my beach body by summer… this work out program that I have been doing promised a beach body in 90 days… and mine well it might take a little longer because I keep taking days off. But hey what can I say…
Well that’s all for now! Gotta go do some P90X!

Doctors Appointment
Oh but when I went in the office there were so many old people that I almost starting laughing because I felt so silly being there since I am so young!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Heart Murmur Update
Friday, February 27, 2009
A New Family Member!

However, I was ready to kill him the day after he moved in… His first night here he managed to break a window out of the shed, ruin a door and pee several times in the house, which in turn made Styx pee in the house. Oh and got of his collar and was waiting for Josh by the door in the morning…
Jake was my cousin Amy’s dog. It was love at first sight for Josh! Every time we went over to their house he was sure to tell them whenever they wanted to get rid of Jake he would take them… and what do you know a few months later he was moving in!
He defiantly does a lot better outside than in! Today we bought him a new toy from Petco… but he doesn’t like it much… I’m hoping tomorrow wont be too cold so that I can take him for a walk before I have to go to work! He’ll probably end up taking me for a walk though… I mean he almost knocked me over today when I was trying to get in my car! So lets hope for the best and pray he doesn’t drag me across town!

Monday, February 16, 2009
Back on Track
1. Josh is doing it with me
2. It burns while doing it but I’m not sore the next day
3. I know several people doing the same workout so it’s kinda like we are all doing it together
4. I’m really excited to get that beach body in 90 days!
So for the next 90 days I am going to spend at least an hour working out and getting into phenomenal shape! And I’m sure hope that is works because we took before pictures and mine well they disgusted me! I know I’m my own worst critic, but I really believe it’s time to do something about my body and what a better time than right before summer! Because as long as I get the beach body in 90 days I will be looken good by the middle of May. Now I’ve seen that some people had to do it another round before they received their beach body but hopefully mine will be here in 90 days! Keep your fingers crossed!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Early Valentine Dinner

Yep that's right! Valentine cookies!
I also made him dinner... I made shrimp scampi and we also had a salad and rolls. It was the first time I made it, but I'm pretty sure it turned out great!

Yeah I know looks good! Right?
Tag! Your It!
Here are the instructions from her sis-in-law...
"Here's what you have to do: Look in your pictures folder, and open up the fifth folder. In the fifth folder, you have to upload the fifth picture. It's really that simple. Then, underneath it, explain the pic and pass it on.
This picture was when Grace and I were just hanging out at my house and haveing a few drinks... It was a kinda boring night. It was just real relaxed and we fell asleep before 11... lol
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Short Week
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Just a few things about me
1. How old will you be in five years? 25! OMG
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? Malinda and Ash and all the other people at work!
3. How tall are you? 5 foot and 1/2 inch
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? hanging out with the girls next weekend, valentines, filing my taxes
5. What's the last movie you saw? I watch Old School the other day
6. Who was the last person you called? My dad on my lunch break
7. Who was the last person to call you? Boo! :)
8. What was the last text message you received? True...
9. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail? my dad
10. Do you prefer to call or text? Text! Way faster and you don't have to do the whole hi how are you thing. You can just get straight to the point.
11. What were you doing at 12am last night? sleeping like any normal person who works for a living all day
12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? none of the above...
13. When is the last time you saw your mom? 11/27/89
14. What color are your eyes? Blue
15. Do you own slippers? yep! 3 pairs
16. What are you wearing right now? up a t-shirt and underwear
17. What is your favorite Christmas song? Jingle Bells
18. Where is your favorite place to be? at home... I can do what I want when I want there
19. Where is your least favorite place to be? work... who likes to work...
20. Africa-New Zealand-Japan? lets go with Japan
21. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? Hopefully married and with a few kids
22. Do you tan or burn? tan and if I burn it turns into a tan
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? a man would break in and get me! I used to have this reoccurring dream that I was staying the night with my neighbor and some man broke in and made us all get in her mom's bed and lay there until he left or he would cut our toes off! Scary
24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh? the TV My name is Earl
25. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
26. When did u last get in a argument? ... idk ... oh wait Saturday
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? both... well I have a laptop the desktop is technically Josh's but what the hell it's mine
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? lets keep that information to ourselves
29. What color are your walls? white....blah
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2!
31. What is your favorite season? summer! i cant wait to put the top down on my convertible again!
32. What do you like about fall? the leafs on the trees
33. What do you like about winter? snow!
34. What do you like about the summer? getting a tan
35. What do you like about spring? new flowers blooming
36. How many states have you lived in? only one... Missouri
37. What states have you lived in? Missouri remember... hahaha
38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? bare feet as long as no one is looking at them
39. Are you a social person? yeah! I love to talk
40. What was the last thing you ate? DQ
41. Have you tried escargo? no
42. What is your favorite ice cream? cake batter at Cold Stone!
43. What is your favorite dessert? Ice Cream!
44. Have you drank a Shirley Temple? No
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? Strawberry
46. Do you like Chinese food? no, but I have never really tryed it... I'm afraid of it being cat and dog!
47. Do you like coffee? sometimes
48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? maybe 2 but lately a lot more
49. What do you drink in the morning? water
50. How often do you shower? daily
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? yes... and as soon as Josh gets up I move to his side and if I sleep in the bed without him I sleep on his side
52. Do you know how to play poker? um... no I know how to lose at poker!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sick of Trying
I know he isn’t going to be there for me financially and I’ve come to except that. However, I do want a father and a grandfather for my children that I may or may not someday have. As many people know, I’ve gone just about my whole life with only one parent and it’s a hard thing for a child to understand and be okay with. I’ve had step-mom’s but the first one was like Cinderella’s step-mom and the second well she’s just well, she’s Shirley.

Me and my day and my cousin Amy's wedding.
What I would really like is for just once my dad to call and invite me and my brother and possibly Josh, but even just me and my brother would be a good start, out to the house, or to dinner or something, anything. Now I have my extended family and my brother and they will always be there for me, but we all want what we can’t have, and in my case that’s a father. Someone I could count on when things went south or even just for a hug.
I’m sick of people giving me dirty looks and saying rude things when they find out that I hardly ever talk to my dad. They don’t know me and my life and what it’s like. Granit I have stopped trying. I give up. I’m tired of feeling like a pain in the ass. I tired of hearing the sighs and annoyment in the voices when I call. The only time I see my father is when I have to write him a check for the bills that are still in his name. And as soon as I get everything in my name and my school loan bills quit coming, I’m sure I’ll see/talk to him once or twice a year if that. It’s sad to say and I hate to say it but it’s true.

A long time ago.
Every year for his birthday I call him and take him and Shirley out to dinner. I mean you only get one birthday a year and I feel like you should celebrate it. Now when mine or my brother’s birthday comes along… we don’t get so much as a phone call. Every Christmas I ask if we are going to get together. Not because I want gifts, but because I want to spend time with my family and maybe share a nice meal. I could careless about all the gifts. This year, it’s not happening. I’m not going to call and try to make plans. I tired of them acting like we will do something as a family and then all of a sudden they are too busy, too tired or any other excuse they can think of why they can’t spend and hour or two with us.
Well now that I got that off my chest I feel a little better… Anyone got a drink?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I wish I were there now!

I would really like to go somewhere tropical and all inclusive. It would be so nice to be able to sun bathe on the beach for a week with all the drinks you would want all included! I mean you wouldn’t have to worry about money the whole time while you were there because everything would have been already paid for.
The one place that I have been thinking about that I would really like to go is Jamaica! It is so beautiful there… At least on the resorts! I have looked at some of the resorts online and they seem fantastic! One thing about it is if I went I would want an ocean view room! That would be so amazing! All the beautiful sunsets and romantic walks on the beach! Ahh Makes me smile just thinking about it!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
It's Lizzy's Birthday
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Right Time
A friend and I were talking the other day about how people say they are going to wait until the time is right. Well how do you know the time is right and will the right time ever come??? I believe that there is never a right time for things to happen. There is never a right time to have a child… I mean they are going to cost you no matter what and you will never be completely ready. We are never ready to let a loved one go when they have been taken from us. So really there is no right time.
I think we should just do things when the feel right and not try to wait around for the right time.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Money Money Money.... Money
Yeah that’s what I always tell myself… however lately more and more I have noticed that money is something! Everything has a price. For instance the internet cost in order to write this blog… It is crazy when ever you sit down and actually think about everything that you buy or spend money on. Even the essentials cost so much!
Here recently I have been hit with a couple of big or shall I say huge bills! And in order to pay these bills I must cut back on my spending somewhere else since I live paycheck to paycheck. It’s hard but it has to be done. I mean just take a minute and think about everything you buy on a daily bases… in my case, my boyfriend and I go out to eat a lot! That is one of the things that will have to be cut for a while.
I kind of feel like I have to “stop living my life” for a while. All the things that I would normally buy and not even think about will have to be thought about.
And here is one way I think I may be able to start saving some money. Write down everything you spend. Whether cash, debt or credit card. I think it will really bring into perspective what I am spending money on and maybe help me to save some money to pay the ridiculously big bills. Just like everyone else, I have some items that I could cut back that I don’t “really” need; but I also have those things that I DO need no matter what in order to live.
Now don’t get the wrong idea. These bills aren’t because I was irresponsible or out of control with my spending. It’s just one of those things that pops up and you have to deal with.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Getting Started Early
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Shape Up Missouri
The spring session starts in like 10 days and then hopefully I will be able to loose 17 lb’s. That’s my goal. So girls you better help me work on that!
Need less to say I’m getting all my eating in now! I mean I minus well eat all the junk I want now… but not gain weight in the process because then I will have to loose even more.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Josh and I have been dating for a while now. Our three year anniversary was on November 22. We live together in Jeff with our puppy Styx! We have been through some thick and thin times but are still holding on tight. If you asked me I wouldn’t know where I would be with out him. He’s super sweet and besides my brother basically the only family I’ve got.

Styx is a Boston Terrier. He is about 3 or 4… I think…. Which makes him what 21 or 28? Dang he’s as old as Josh! He loves toys that squeak and if the toy is like a stuffed animal he will have it ripped up within an hour! No Joke. Styx’s also loves people food. Sometimes while you’re eating he will begin to drool. Now tell me that’s not cute. Just today he had mac and cheese and chicken and dumplings. Now he is living the life. He sleeps all day then eats when we get home and then sleeps some more. Styx’s sleep’s on our bed. Although he couldn’t weigh more than like 25 lb’s he is a bed hog and snores like an old man. Styx also farts as if he eats refried beans everyday! It’s pretty bad, worse than a cup of soup! Everyone loves him cuz he’s just so darn cute and he especially loves my friend Ashley.

I recently dyed my hair and it turned out pretty dark… like it minus well be black. I’m not so sure about it, but I guess it’s ok… at least for now. It will probably get changed with in the next couple of months.

Lately I’ve been watching a lot of TV and one of my favorite shows has been Mama’s Boys! It’s pretty funny to see how upset some moms can become just from watching their sons interact with the “wrong” girl.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Starting a Blog